April team face-to-face event
After four years since the last in person gathering, the Vitis Regulatory team across the three businesses met in the East Midlands, England for a three-day reunion
Between 19th – 21st of April, the Vitis Regulatory team met in person for the first time after the pandemic. It was also a first opportunity to meet with the colleagues who have joined the team in recent years. The organising team proposed a diverse program, with a mix of team building activities and also time to catch up and relax.
The first day was dedicated to travelling and socialising.
The second day was organised around the theme of ‘TIME AND SPACE TO MAKE CONNECTIONS AND GROW AS A TEAM’ and included several activities that enabled the team to work in various groups in creative ways. Some of the highlights of the day include the creation of fictional magazine covers to illustrate the success of our company, as well as the creation of a miniature space rocket to send to the Moon.
Rocket Launch
The third and last day of the event focused on ‘CREATING AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE EVERYONE CAN DO THEIR BEST WORK’. It was a time to re-connect with the company’s values and vision, and also a time for review and reflection on the ways we can improve and develop the business.
The organising team and the directors would like to thank everyone for their active participation!